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Penny Auction Bot Licenses

  • License Type
  • Computers Supported
  • License Validity
  • Free Software Updates
  • Price for Updates After That
  • Customer Support
  • Full Access to All Features
  • Full Access to All Websites
  • Free Winning Strategy Guide
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • Unique Website Access *
  • Full Rights to Sell the Software **
  • Custom Branding
  • Unique Website License*
    • Single User
    • 3 PC
    • Lifetime
    • 1 Year
    • $47 / year
    • Priority
    • 1 Website
  • Resale Rights License**
    • Multiple User
    • Unlimited
    • Lifetime
    • 1 Year
    • $47 / year
    • Priority
    • 1 Website
  • Unique Website License*
    • Single User
    • 3 PC
    • Lifetime Validity
    • 1 Year Free Updates
    • $47 / year For Updates After the Free Period
    • Priority Customer Support
    • Full Access to All Features
    • Full Access to All Websites
    • Free Winning Strategy Guide
    • 1 Unique Website Access *
  • Resale Rights License**
    • Multiple User
    • Unlimited PC's
    • Lifetime Validity
    • 1 Year Free Updates
    • $47 / year For Updates After the Free Period
    • Priority Customer Support
    • Full Access to All Features
    • 1 Unique Website Access *
    • Full Rights to Sell the Software **
    • Custom Branding
* Unique Website License – A Unique Website License gives you access to a unique website of your choice (which we don’t already support), along with all the other features and websites in Penny Auction Bot. What this basically means is that you will be the only person who will be able to use Penny Auction Bot with that unique website. No one else will ever have access to it, no matter which license they purchase. Not only this, but if that unique website goes out of business in the future, we will even replace it with another website of your choice.
** Resale Rights License – On purchase of a Resale Rights License, we will design a new software application for you, which will be able to automate bidding on 1 unique website of your choice. The application will have all the features currently supported by Penny Auction Bot, and we will also add your own custom branding to it. Not only this, but you will have full rights to the application and can do whatever you wish to do with it – whether it is using it personally, distributing it for free, or selling it on your own website.

Why use Penny Auction Bot?

Penny Auction Bot is unlike any other penny auction bidding tool you’ve ever seen!

100% Money Back Guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee
We have nothing to be afraid of. And so do you! In fact, we are so confident that you’ll love PAB that we offer a 30 day risk-free no-questions-asked 100% money back guarantee on your purchase.
Regular Software Updates
Regular Software Updates
Regular Software Updates
We regularly fix existing bugs and add new features and websites to Penny Auction Bot, making sure it meets all your standards. So, whenever a penny auction website changes their code, we quickly update PAB to make it compatible with the website again.
Customer Friendly Support Desk
Customer Friendly Support Desk
Customer Friendly Support Desk
PAB comes with free support, and our staff representatives work round the clock helping you and answering all your queries in a timely manner. Rest assured, you'll never lose an auction due to not getting timely support from us.

You need to try PAB yourself to see how awesome it is

Here’s what our customers are saying about us:

  • I just wanted to thank Krish for creating Penny Auction Bot. There is nothing else out there like it, and now I find myself wanting to use it all the time. The user interface is really clean and very easy to use. The software works equally well, and the support that Krish offers is first class. I wouldn’t think of bidding on a penny auction without Penny Auction Bot.

    Patricia E. Smith Canada
  • Penny Auction Bot is an invaluable software that I simply can’t stop using! I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants to automate his bidding on penny auction websites. I don’t know where I would be without this … I would probably be sitting at my computer staring at the screen all day. Who wants to do that when they can simply use Penny Auction Bot?

    Lara Patterson
    Lara Patterson United Kingdom
  • I was so impressed with PAB that I decided to do a testimonial. I learned how to use it in under 5 minutes and was bidding right away! The documentation was well written, and the winning strategy guide contained some solid information. Highly Recommended!

    Kevin Miles
    Kevin Miles USA
  • Penny Auction Bot is an incredible piece of software that saves me a lot of time and resources. It is pretty easy to use and has a user-friendly interface. I want to thank the people that made Penny Auction Bot. The effectiveness of the software has proven itself over and over again!

    Susan Halls
    Susan Halls USA

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